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Is More Really Better When It Comes to Submissions?
Is More Really Better When It Comes to Submissions?

You'll typically receive one submission at a time for your requests, and this is actually a good thing! Learn why here.

Zoe Treeson avatar
Written by Zoe Treeson
Updated over a week ago

Verblio customers sometimes think the best way to get great content is to wait for multiple submissions to come in for their request. More submissions equal more opportunity to find the perfect piece of content, right?

Not necessarily, because that's not how we designed the Verblio platform to work. Waiting for multiple submissions could actually diminish your Verblio experience.

On average, requests for a single piece of content will get one submission from our pool of writers. That's because the writers know you only need one piece, and they don't want to spend their time writing for you only to get declined. With every additional submission, the chance of a decline goes up for the writer. If they see you already have a submission, writers are more likely to move onto a request that doesn't have a submission yet.

Multiple submissions for a single request mean you'll be rejecting the majority of the content you receive. If you decline a lot of posts, writers are going to be less inclined to write for you in the future. While our writers are great at taking constructive feedback, seeing a lot of declines and only a few purchases could cause some writers to stay away. You may then end up with fewer submissions in the long run.

The key to success on the Verblio platform isn't waiting for multiple submissions. Instead, you'll get great content by doing two things: starting with great submission requests and acting promptly on the submissions you do receive.

Getting Better Submissions From the Start

Great content comes from great requests. These requests give our writers all the information they need to craft amazing content for your organization. We've created an in-depth guide called Creating A+ Requests to Receive A+ Content, but we'll give you a few quick tips here as well:

  • Be as detailed as possible. The more detail you provide, the easier it is for our writers to deliver the content you really need. This includes details on the type of content, which keywords you want to target, and examples of other content you like.

  • Be specific about what you do (and don't!) want. You can be as specific as you’d like about the content, down to providing the writers with an outline (they love this!) about what to include in the piece. You can be just as specific about what you don't want, such as avoiding certain sources or never linking to competitors’ sites.

  • Include additional resources. This is something we highly recommend. You can attach PDFs to your requests to give writers even more information. Attaching resources such as style guides can give writers a clear understanding of your expectations. This helps them deliver the best content possible.

Starting with great requests will largely eliminate the need to receive multiple submissions. Our top-notch writers can deliver great content in the first submission, and you can put that content to work for you sooner.

Acting On the Submission You Receive

Is every submission going to be a flawless work of art? Probably not. Instead of waiting for the perfect submission to come along, though, we encourage you to take action with the submission you have in front of you. You can do that by doing one of the following three things:

  • Accept the piece as-is. If the piece is close to perfect, buy it. You can provide a rating and feedback about what the writer can do next time to make their piece for you even better. Or if you loved it as-is, let them know! We designed our platform to be transparent. This means that other writers can see the feedback you leave. Pretty soon you'll build up a pool of trusted writers who love jumping on your requests and who understand your expectations.

  • Request edits. If a submission is good but could be great within three rounds of edits, make some edit requests. Writers aren't required to make these edits, but most are more than happy to tweak a piece to get it right for you. You can provide both specific edits within the text and provide general comments on the overall tone and style of the piece.

  • Decline the piece. If the submission you receive just isn't a good fit, decline it. Make sure you give the writer feedback about why it won't work for you so they can provide you with better content submissions in the future. Declining an unusable piece promptly will also signal to new writers that you are still waiting for content. You are more likely to receive a new submission much sooner.

Taking action promptly with submitted pieces will help you get the content that you want. By providing feedback on both purchased and declined submissions, you'll help future writers deliver even better material.

Still not getting the quality of writing you want? Email our team at [email protected]. We may be able to help you tweak your requests or partner you with a writer experienced in delivering the kind of content that you need.

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