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Mastering Editing, Declining, Accepting, and Publishing Content from Verblio
Mastering Editing, Declining, Accepting, and Publishing Content from Verblio

Learn how to manage Verblio content like a pro.

Zoe Treeson avatar
Written by Zoe Treeson
Updated over a week ago

You’ve made it this far—your account is set up, requests entered, and you’ve received a few submissions. Now what? You can either accept the post as-is, decline it, or request edits from our writers.

Accepting Content

If you're happy with a submission and want to purchase it, the process is simple!

Click the “Accept” button for whichever submission that you’d like to purchase. You can either purchase the content using one of your reserved credits, an additional credit, or you can purchase the piece of content outside of your subscription by automatically charging your credit card.

Provide Your Feedback With A Review

Don’t forget to leave feedback for each accepted piece of content by using the “Review” feature. Your writers will appreciate your honest feedback and will use it to improve their writing the next time around. For a complete guide to giving feedback to Verblio writers, check out this guide!

Publishing to Your Blog

When you accept a blog post, you have three options for delivery and subsequent publishing it to your blog. (Learn more about your delivery options here.)

Email: We will send the accepted post to you via email. You can simply copy and paste the post into your blogging platform from this plain-text email (as well as make any edits you want).

Post directly to your HubSpot or WordPress blog: We integrate with HubSpot and WordPress.When you accept a post, we’ll automatically send the post as a draft to your HubSpot or WordPress blog. (All free!)

Opt for +Optimize: You give us the password to your blog, and we'll provide awesome photos and SEO optimization of your blog posts, as well as formatting within your content management system. We’ll even publish it for you! Check out all of our blogging services here.

Editing Submissions

We recommend that you request edits on any submission that is close to meeting your expectations and can become purchasable with a round of edit requests.

Keep in mind that not every change needs to be made using the edit request feature. If you’d like the writer to add a specific source to a white paper or create a stronger call to action in your blog post, go ahead and make those edit requests. However, if the submission only has a few misspelled words, it’s probably faster and easier for you to accept the submissions and just make those changes yourself.

How Do I Request Edits To A Post?

You can view our full guide to requesting edits here, but read on to learn the basics of the Verblio Edit Request feature.

After you review a submission and are ready to request edits, simply click the “Request Edits” option located under the submission's title:

You’ll be taken to the Request Edits page where you can request line-by-line revisions as well as more general edits regarding the overall piece of content.

To request edits, click and highlight some text in the submission. A text box will appear on the right-hand where you can add a request for the writer. Simply press your keyboard’s ‘enter’ key or click elsewhere on the page to save each request. The text will remain highlighted yellow for your reference.

Highlight as many sentences or paragraphs as you’d like and feel free to add as many tasks as needed. You can click on each request in the right-hand Request Edits box and the page will automatically scroll to the highlighted text so you can easily review the requests you’ve already made.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page to add general edit requests. These requests pertain to the submission as a whole and can relate to the writer’s style, tone, etc.

We understand that longer pieces of content can take a while to review and you may not be able to complete your entire edit request in one session. To take a break without losing your work, click the “Save for later” button. The requests you’ve made so far will be saved so you can come back and complete your edit request later.

When you’ve finished your requests, click the "Send to writer" button.

Click OK on the confirmation pop-up to finalize your edit request and send it to the writer.

Once an edit has been requested, the words "Awaiting Editing" will appear in the right-hand corner of the submission. We'll notify you via email once the writer has completed the edits and the word "Edited" will appear next to the submission inside the App. 

How To Make Your Edit Request Count

When requesting edits, tell the writer exactly why their submission didn’t meet your needs and what changes need to be made in order for the content to be accepted. Remember, writers are not required to complete an edit request, so it’s important to make sure your requests are organized, descriptive, and reasonable.

You may also be wondering how many edit requests can you make for each post. You’re allowed to do multiple rounds of edit requests, but we recommend that you keep it to 3 or less, or consider the next alternative...

Declining Submissions

When Should I Decline A Submission?

If the content you've received is completely unworkable, does not pertain to your business, or you anticipate changes taking several rounds of edits to fix, then you should decline it.

Keep in mind: Writers can see when customers decline submissions from other writers. They know that every writer won't be a fit for every customer, and they understand this is business, not personal. However, if you're declining a high number of submissions and aren't leaving specific feedback as to where they fell short, writers will be less sure of what you want and less confident in writing for you.

How Do I Decline A Submission?

If you've decided to decline a submission, you can do so by clicking the red “Decline” button located underneath the title and next to the “Request Edits” button:

Use the check boxes and comment box to state exactly why you are declining the submission. All writers can read these comments, and if you are very specific about why you didn't like a certain piece of content, other writers will be careful to avoid these mistakes.

This is essential information to help our writers improve on content for you in the future.

Keep in mind that you cannot get a submission back once you've declined it. Writers keep all rights to their declined content and are allowed to rework it and use that content elsewhere.

Key Takeaways:

1. Although we’d like to deliver perfect content every time, we want to set the expectation that you will have to do light editing of each submission before it's publish-ready.

2. When in doubt, send for edits. The writer will work with you and appreciate your feedback.

3. Decline if the submission is completely unworkable, does not pertain to your business, or if you anticipate changes taking more than three rounds of revisions to fix.

4. Whether purchasing or declining, leave specific feedback so all writers can learn more about your content preferences.

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