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Content Refresh

Need to have your content refreshed but don't know where to start?

Zoe Treeson avatar
Written by Zoe Treeson
Updated over a week ago

Required steps for a content refresh:

Writing a Content Refresh Request Brief

The best way to write a brief and instructions for a new content refresh request is to be as descriptive in the goal of the refresh as possible. For the best results and submissions that fit what you’re looking for, please follow the guide below.

  1. What is the goal of this content refresh?

    1. Strictly to improve search engine rank and organic traffic

    2. To build inclusive language into our content

    3. To rewrite language that is outdated due to a rebrand or audience shift

    4. To remain/get above our competitors

    5. To bring our content up-to-date with the current state of the world and our industry

    6. Other, please explain

  2. When was this content first published or last updated?

  3. All content refreshes, no matter the main goal, are written with a higher search engine rank in mind. Please list the keyword(s) you would like the refresh to focus on.

  4. All content refreshes will include updating sources and links within the content. We will do our best to cite sources no more than two years old. Are there any resources you DO NOT want Verblio to use?

  5. Any other instructions or information on this content piece that you think will help us make this refresh spectacular?

  6. Copy/paste or upload the existing content with answers to the questions above into a new request on the Verblio platform.

What is a Content Refresh?

Content refreshing is a necessary part of any content marketing strategy. By choosing to refresh your site’s content, you are choosing to make the most of your company or organization’s investment in content marketing. Keeping content up-to-date helps improve your brand’s search engine rank, relevancy, usefulness for customers, and proves your worth when being compared to competitors. Our team of experienced writers and editors take the content you have already invested time and resources in and breathe new life into it through updating links and cited sources, rewriting key areas to better reflect your brand, and ensuring that the content is in line with current events, legislation if applicable, and still speaks to your audience.

What is included with a Content Refresh?

With a Verblio Content Refresh, you will receive high-quality rewrites of your content whether we originally wrote it or not!

  • A fresh take on the content of your choosing

  • Current keywords added for successful search engine rank

  • New up-to-date stock photos where needed

  • Inclusive, audience-appropriate language build into your existing content

  • Any new values, vision, or voice of your brand reflected

What should I be refreshing?

We recommend you first refresh blogs that are currently bringing in less to no traffic and those that are your main source of traffic. Those that are seeing less pull, are in what is called a content plateau or possibly already in the content decay phases. This means that you are no longer getting much benefit from that content living on your site. Search engine rank is also determined by many factors including what Google calls a “Freshness Score”. Google and other search engines may also begin deindexing these pages altogether if not refreshed.

How does a Verblio Content Refresh work?

Using Verblio for your content refresh needs is just as simple as using our platform for new content requests. When requesting a refresh, you will begin a New Request, upload or copy/paste the existing content into the brief section, and check the “This is a Content Refresh” box. Please be sure to include a detailed description of your goals for the refresh. From there you will submit the refresh request with a deadline of your choosing.

While you await the revival of your content, our team of writers and editors will go through the writing in its entirety to update links, change wording needed to reflect the current state of your brand… and/or the world, and ensure proper keywords are being used throughout for higher rank.

Content refreshes use the same pricing structure as new content requests. Credits are accounted for based on the word count of the original/existing content piece, just as they are for the word count on newly written content.

For help deciding what to refresh, read on for our recommendations on strategy and contact your current account manager or [email protected].

Can Verblio help me with my Content Refresh Strategy?

Are you wondering where to start with refreshing your brand’s or your clients’ content? Take a look at our Verblio Content Refresh Strategy grid below:

With the Verblio Content Refresh Strategy service, our account managers can help you strategize where that pink bubble should fall for the best results.

Ask yourself these questions as you begin thinking about a refresh:

  • Has your company/organization gone through rebranding?

  • Has your audience grown, changed, or shifted?

  • Is there new competition in your area and/or industry that is out-ranking or ranking close to yours in search results?

  • Does the content contain any outdated terminology?

  • Does the content reflect the recent worldwide changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic? This could include lifestyle changes, images with PPE, fewer outings, and more time at home.

  • Does the content still provide a purpose for readers?

  • Does the content properly answer questions that are still being asked?

  • Are customers coming to the site for new or different reasons?

What should be considered for every refresh?

  1. Main body content should be the primary focus, minimum of 20% for higher ranking

  2. Embedded links, sources cited brought up-to-date (recommend 2 years old or less)

  3. Outdated language

  4. Keywords

  5. Other key elements that affect your brand/usefulness of the content

  6. Images and video

Still have questions?

Send us an email at [email protected]! We are happy to help and ready to get your site feeling refreshed!

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