When you sign up for Verblio, you can choose to allow multiple users to log in and manage the account. Here's how!
Log in to your account, click on the email address in the upper right-hand corner of the screen, and choose "Manage Members" from the drop-down menu:
The Manage Members page allows you to add and remove users to your account. Complete the 'First name,' 'Last name,' and 'Email' fields, then click 'Add Member'.
After you add a new member, they will automatically receive an email from Verblio with instructions to create a password and to log in to the account.
You can also assign admin permissions on the Manage Members page. Admins can add and remove other members on the account while non-admins do not have this capability.
Do you have a few questions about your Verblio account? Send an email to [email protected]. We're ready to help!